Acumen IT Training, Inc.



Learning new programming languages is a sure way to success, especially so when technology is changing so rapidly and developers have to constantly upgrade themselves to stay relevant. One such language that is fast gaining momentum and is a must-learn for developers is Apache Groovy. This object oriented programming language for Java is popular because of its ecosystem that offers a huge number of features. Designed as a companion language to Java, Groovy can be seamlessly integrated with Java and runs on Android. Acumen brings you a comprehensive Groovy course that will help you master this dynamic language and leverage its awesome ecosystem.

After an introduction to the Groovy ecosystem you will get your hands down and dirty by building Groovy applications from scratch. You will understand the various features of the Groovy language including its console, closures, meta programming, testing, DSLs and much more. There will be plenty of demos, practical sessions and quizzes that will help you master Groovy and embark on a successful career. Finally, you will receive the Groovy certification on successful completion of course. Register with us and get access to course materials.



  • All things Groovy including its ecosystem, basic syntax, its object oriented features, meta programming etc
  • The use of the Groovy console and building Groovy applications
  • The different features of the Groovy language


Experience with Java or any other object oriented programming language will be useful.


  1. Installing and configuring Eclipse Groovy plugin
  2. Understanding the various tools like groovyc, groovy shell and groovy console
  3. Writing very basic commands using Eclipse
  4. Groovy as a Java dialect
  5. Knowing Groovy Development Kit (GDK)
  1. Defining variables using the ‘def’ keyword
  2. Dynamic typing
  3. Explicitly defining data types for a variable
  4. Arithmetic, relational, logical operators
  5. Elvis and spaceship operators in groovy
  1. Defining functions in groovy
  2. Function with implicit and explicit returns
  3. Default arguments in functions
  4. Closures
  5. Functional programming in groovy
  6. Functions that take groovy map as argument
  1. ‘if’ , ‘if-else if-else’ selection statements for branching
  2. The groovy ‘switch’ statement to achieve branching
  3. Looping using ‘while’ and ‘for’
  4. ‘break’ and ‘continue’ statements

For FULL COURSE OUTLINE, please contact us.

Please contact us for the schedules and for booking a private class.
