Acumen IT Training, Inc.



This training provides developers with all core concepts of Spring Framework 6.x (JakartaEE-based) Specification. Discussions will focus on the setup and installation of the development environment on Windows platform, create a full-blown MVC applications with all needed session handling, database connectivity, auditing and service-oriented integration features, and introduction to Spring Boot platform and Spring Security framework.


  1. Basic Concepts
    1. Why Spring Framework was created
    2. Use of Spring Framework
    3. Advantages of Spring Framework
    4. Components of Spring Framework
    5. Concept of Inverse of Control (IoC)

  2. Bean injection implementation
    1. Popular namespaces
    2. BeanFactory and ApplicationContext
    3. Properties of a bean
    4. Life cycle of a bean
    5. Spring Expression Language
    6. Best Practices


  3. Annotation-based Dependency Injection
    1. Auto-wiring concepts
    2. Component scanning and best practices
    3. Properties of a bean
    4. Best Practices
    5. Using JavaConfig Configuration


  4. Spring Web Application
    1. Concepts of MVC
    2. View Engines and Views
    3. Jakarta EE Pages integration
    4. Spring View Templates
    5. Rendering EL data


  5. Data Transactions
    1. Spring framework integration to do different database technologies
    2. Data templates and managers
    3. Caching with Spring
Please contact us for the full course outline, schedules and for booking a private class.